On the 31st of May, at the World Justice Forum 2022 in The Hague, Netherlands, a delegation represented the National Mediation Programme of Sri Lanka at a working session on the theme "Pathways to Justice: Effective tools for localised community solutions". During this session two Mediation Training Officers from the Mediation Boards Commission and two Volunteer Mediators discussed various aspects on how Mediation works in Sri Lanka. It was an exciting session sharing knowledge, stories, and insights on their experience as practitioners in the field.
The World Justice Forum 2022 at The Hague was an event to remember. Not only did the delegation from Sri Lanka have an opportunity to share their own experience of Mediation in Sri Lanka, but the team was also a part of countless working sessions. Sessions focussed, amongst others, on themes of how to put people’s justice needs at the centre of justice reforms, community justice, digitalisation of judicial procedures, and what it truly means to have just policies. The delegation from Sri Lanka met many inspirational justice practitioners as well as reform-minded justice officials with a passion for access to justice.
Here is the video to our session: